UMN VG 2024-25 DM Accessible - Flipbook - Page 28
Healthy Gophers
from head to tail
At the University of Minnesota,
we care about how you’re doing
physically and mentally. Even
Goldy takes care of himself—
from his spinning head to the tip
of his tail.
Mental Health
We know there is a lot for students to manage, and
sometimes you need support to keep your head from
spinning. From physical to mental health, Boynton
Health o昀昀ers urgent care through same-day walk-in
services and an after-hours Crisis Line. Additional
resources include Help Compass, Student Counseling
Services, Let’s Talk consultations, the BIPOC Mental
Health Collective, and Learn to Live online counseling.
Disability Resource Center
You don’t have to shoulder your disabilities on
your own! Whether your disability is ongoing or
temporary, visible or hidden, the Disability Resource
Center provides consultations, accommodations, and
support so you have equal access to the academic
and social opportunities that excite you.
PAWS Sessions
You’ll calm that test anxiety and
昀椀nd community with Boynton
Health’s PAWS (Pet Away Worry
and Stress) program. Unwind
at four weekly PAWS sessions
in the company of whichever
furry friend captures your heart.
Cats, dogs, chickens, and rabbits
could be the perfect way to lift
your spirits.
Gopher Chau昀昀eur
Raise your hand for the Gopher Chau昀昀eur! Founded by
the Minnesota Student Association, Gopher Chau昀昀eur
is a student-employed safe ride home program. This
app-enabled free service is available at the tip of your
Never miss a leg day (or
cardio session or climbing
wall ascent) with RecWell on
the Minneapolis and St. Paul
campus. Your U Card gives you
access to 昀椀tness equipment,
pools, climbing walls, locker
rooms, saunas, and steam
rooms. Plus, group 昀椀tness
classes, intramural sports,
massage therapy, and free
meditation classes make it easy
to stay active and healthy.
You never have to set foot out alone with the U of
M’s 624-WALK program. Available 24/7, this service
provides a uniformed University Security employee
to walk with you to and from campus locations. Call
612-624-WALK (9255) for a safe companion.