UMN VG 2024-25 DM Accessible - Flipbook - Page 15
5 reasons to live on campus
Living in a residence hall is so much more than just a roof over your head!
Statistics show that students
who live on campus are
more likely to have better
grades and graduate on
time. Help yourself stay on
track with easy access to
campus resources and the
support of your peers to
make your transition to and
through college smoother.
Campus residential halls
and apartments are the
perfect place to make new
friends at the beginning
of your college journey.
A community-centered
environment like University
Housing provides you with
opportunities to meet other
students and participate in
college life. Many students
make lifelong friendships in
their residence halls.
Easily one of the best perks
of living in on-campus
housing: FOOD! There’s
no need to worry about
buying groceries or cooking
when you have a meal
plan. With a variety of food
options, you’re just a U Card
swipe away from healthy,
balanced meals and great
snacks morning, noon, and
night! We provide Halal,
Vegan and Vegetarian
options, as well as food
allergy management. There
are dining halls in six of our
residence halls and more
than 20 retail restaurants,
including Starbucks, Panda
Express, and Subway.
Amenities &
Aside from everything else,
living in on-campus housing
is a practical decision. You
have easy access to classrooms, libraries, dining halls,
昀椀tness centers, clinics, and
more. Any resource you may
need as a student is just a
short walk, bike, or bus ride
In our residence halls and
apartments, you have the
opportunity to get involved
in one of 30+ Living Learning
Communities, where you
can connect with other
students who share similar
interests, academic goals,
and personal directions.
LLCs bring students to live
together in a dedicated
area of a building and are
available at no extra cost.
TIP: All students are
welcome to purchase meal
plans, so if you’re commuting
to campus you can also
enjoy easy, healthy meals.
When you live in one of
our 13 residence halls
and apartments, you have
access to unlimited utilities,
free laundry, high speed
internet, furnished spaces,
24/7 information desks,
study rooms, lounges,
music practice rooms, and
more. Need a study break?
Head down to a game room
in your building to play a
game of pool, foosball, air
hockey, or table tennis! Use
the community kitchen to
make a fun recipe with a
group of friends, de-stress
in the music rooms, hang
out in the common area
lounges, or enjoy a midnight
snack from the vending
machines! If you live in
University housing, we’ve
got you covered!